The eve of Pennsic is upon us! Some have already departed
(or are about to), while others still have days to wait. In either case Her
Excellency and I wish you all a wonderful and exciting Pennsic. Try to avoid
packing panic (trust us it will all fit in the car) and when you hit the road may
you have safe travels. While braving the hot days and long hours please look
out for each other and stay safe. If you need anything while you are there
please come and see us. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, guidance, or
assistance. If there is something you would like Her Excellency or I to support
or witness please let us know. We will do our best to accommodate as much as
possible. If you are new to Pennsic or the Barony know you are always welcome
to come and join us and feel part of the family. Sadly we understand many of
you that cannot join us this year. You are not forgotten. We will miss you and
look forward to seeing you when we return. Keep the Barony safe why we are away
at War!
Oh and as always….Hael Yeah!
Magnus and Miriel