Monday, September 17, 2018

Populace projects! - New Baronial Keystone regalia bag and cord

In 1999 The Barony was awarded a  Keystone for service to the Kingdom. Each year the Baron and Baroness are tasked to pick a new member of the populace to carry the Baronial Keystone. Traditionally the person does not have a Keystone of their own, but exemplifies the qualities of a member of the order. The medallion was once contained in small wooden box and hung on a simple black cord. Our outgoing Baronial Keystone holder Lady Artemisia da Manarola graced us with a new bag to carry they Keystone as well as a upgrade to the medallion cord. She also made a nice video documenting the process. Thank you for this wonderful addition to the Baronial Regalia!

Video - the making of the bag and cord

Lady Artemisia da Manarola

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