Monday, June 25, 2018

Populace in focus - Lord Fearghus mac Eoin

Real Name: 

Nathan Littlejohn

SCA Name and Title: 

Lord Fearghus mac Eoin

Years in the SCA?

Just south of 20


14th century Scottish wandering crusader type.

Group or Household affiliations if any:

House Gladique Scoparum

Tell us a bit about your life outside the SCA:

I work in the construction, primarily large industrial projects. I spend a fair amount of time tending my garden and working in my wood shop. I currently reside with my lovely lady, a Skye terrier whose name is Oscar, two geckos, and a rather grumpy bearded dragon. I also bonfires and beer. 

What SCA activities do you participate in: 

Primarily heavy fighting, but also woodworking, calligraphy & illumination, and armoring. Also period cooking and food preservation. Someday I may dabble more in brewing but there’s only so many hours in the day.

Tell us a little bit about your SCA experience (offices, etc):

My semi nomadic lifestyle has led me across three kingdoms (the East, Aethelmearc, and Atlantia) so the only office I’ve held was Knight Marshal of Thescorre. I have autocratted, run more demos than I can count, helped in the kitchen, and generally try to make myself useful or at least amusing.

What are your goals in the SCA?

Besides making prettier garb and armor, my main goal has always been to have fun and encouraging others to do the same.

If you could accomplish only one thing in the SCA in the year 2018 what would it be?

Besides attending more events, make more scrolls.

What advice would you give to a new person in the SCA, or if new yourself what question would you ask and who would you ask it of?
Don’t worry about rank, joining households, awards, or any of that, just go to events and have fun.

If you magically woke up with an SCA talent you do not already have what would it be?

Probably embroidery, I like making pretty things.

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