Saturday, January 13, 2018

Populace Interview - Lady Hrefna (Willa Wylde)

Real Name:  Willa Ritz

SCA Name and Title: Lady Hrefna, but my AoA is under Willa Wylde I need to get something passed

Years in the SCA: 9+ off and on

Persona: I was trying for something Viking but I am rethinking that now that I could potentially wear something heavier than a t-shirt and not have a heat stroke! Yay for the great north!

Group or Household affiliations if any: Former Apprentice to Misstress Delphina de Champeaux, I was once a ward of the original House Firefall of Anesteorra but that house fell apart and some other house was given the same name, I was never affiliated with them nor do i know much about them.

Tell us a bit about your life outside the SCA: I have been painting, sculpting, sewing and crafting things most of my life, my mom and aunt were both artistic and taught me alot of things.  I have been doing Tech support for various places both Windows and Apple for over 20 years now.  I have also been a life long gamer, role playing, board games, card, computer etc.

What SCA activities do you participate in: Scribal guild, weaving, jewelry making, lace making

Tell us a little bit about your SCA experience (offices, etc): I started back in the late 80's in the Houston area in what was then the Shire of Loch Soillier, now a barony, I finally got my arms passed at Gulf Wars of 2012 but none of my name attempts have ever passed.  I have been the chronicler and webminister for the Loch, autocrated a couple of small events, and tried to make as many friends as possible.

What are your goals in the SCA? Make a lot of friends, learn a lot of things, maybe teach some of the things

If you could accomplish only one thing in the SCA in the year 2018 what would it be? Finally get a name approved?  Not sure that counts as an accomplishment. I would like to get back to painting illumination and branch out into other areas of A&S.

What advice would you give to a new person in the SCA, or if new yourself what question would you ask and who would you ask it of? Don't take it to seriously, there seem to be a lot of rules but most are just guidelines, it takes time to achieve the perfect outfits and gear, and if you give us half a chance we will do our best to help you get there.

If you magically woke up with an SCA talent you do not already have what would it be? Heavy fighting because they seem to be having a lot of fun and I've always wanted to be a knight or paladin even though I'm not lawful good lol.

I have really been enjoying what things I have been able to get to up here in the Hael so far.  Everyone is awesome!

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