Sunday, February 18, 2018

Populace in Focus - Lady Artemisia da Manarola

Real Name: Autumn Diana Standingwolf

SCA Name and Title: Lady Artemisia da Manarola

Years in the SCA: Nearly 5 years

Persona: Cortigiana Onesta – Italian Renaissance

Group or Household affiliations if any: None

Tell us a bit about your life outside the SCA:

I’m as diverse a person as my AncestryDNA profile suggests. I speak French poorly but enjoy my immersion visits to Montreal immensely. A love of Early Music and Renaissance Faires led to an obsession with all things Irish (Great Big Sea!). While I’m as comfortable on stage belly dancing as I am on the back of a dog sled (actually canine bike-jor), I’m often hidden behind the scenes running things but you're most likely to find me in line for a large double-double.

What SCA activities do you participate in?

Dance, Fiber Arts (on my own), Making Largess, Service.

Tell us a little bit about your SCA experience (offices, etc):
I’m the Dance Mistress, Web Minister, and I’ve run a demo. I’ve participated in several demos outside of the Hael, and one demo outside of Aethelmearc.

What are your goals in the SCA?

I’d like to show people the Arts (& Sciences) in action. I’d love for people to see things being made. I have plans to host Courtesan Style Salons in which the arts are very prevalent. I’d love to perform music for the Hael’s events (when I’m skilled enough). I’d like to provide all manner of entertainment. I also want to advocate for those who feel uncomfortable or lost.

If you could accomplish only one thing in the SCA in the year 2018 what would it be?

Get the combined Hael-Thescorre dance practice up and running with lots and lots of people.

What advice would you give to a new person in the SCA, or if new yourself what question would you ask and who would you ask it of? 

Take your time and explore everything that interests you. Also, learn how to behave in Court. Make sure someone tells you how to address people and when to bow and kneel. If you know all of that it will make things so much easier!

If you magically woke up with an SCA talent you do not already have what would it be?

While I really wish I could understand the secret language of the Heralds, if I had to choose one thing, it would be to be able to illuminate things. I can barely draw stick figures.

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