Sunday, May 15, 2016

A Bardic Hopeful Declares with Dulcet Tones!

A few days ago Lady Brigette de Sainte Mere-Église declared herself to us as a bardic champion hopeful, and sang this beautiful song for us as a part of her declaration. Here is the lyrics and her simple statement. 

"My lord my champion you'll be 
For your valor and courage won't wavier. 
Your purpose is noble I see 
With my love do I offer my favor. 
Please wear this small token for me 
With. So the greatest of might for my honor 
From the righteous cause do not flee. 
May your greatness be known the world over.

Fight for my honor and fight for the glory 
And fight for the king of the land. 
Fight from the heart and I'll give you my love, 
Till the end of the world is at hand.

For you my task it shall be 
To provide you with true inspiration, 
I’ll stand by you with gentility 
To sustain you through hell and damnation. 
Your behavior will reflect upon me
Be it ever befitting your station, 
By example of true courtesy 
We will both make our mark on this nation.
When this day into battle you go To defend the poor folk of the land, In this war you must vanquish our foe For the right of our king you must stand. My love will go with you, you know as you enter the field sword in hand With the lord protecting you so May you return with the victory grand CH
In the days of quiet and peace To the tournament fields you will end You will fight with whomever you please Be it noble or neighbor or friend You will perform with the grace and the ease That my love's inspiration might send Your opponent's will drop to their knees And declare you the victor again.

With this song of courtly love written by Lady Maeve Ronan, I declare my intent to be your Baronial Bard."

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